I am Lorinda De Guzman, friends and relatives call me LHeN. My name is from the combined name of my parents Loreto and Linda.It was supposed to be Lorilyn, which is actually much better and where my nickname came from but my mom thought it the other way and so... yeah, Lorinda is the one written on my birth certificate and I have to like it, love it and live it!
I started this blog about making money online March 2010 and so far this is my first "all original content" blog, and I wanted to maintain it that way as long as I could. Been planning on sitting for it everyday and provide 2 to 3 blogs a week.
This website is about the different opportunities of earning online. If you will notice on my first articles, most of it are just mere descriptions of the different ways or earning in general. But don't worry, Just hit the subscribe button today because I will narrow the topics down to the very process of earning. Screenshots will be provided so the steps will be easier to follow and make earning more enjoyable and worth starting.
Theres only this one thing I will require you to have before following the steps, I want you to have P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E on earning online. Money doesn't grow on trees and making money online isn't for everybody. I started doing this business for some time now and believe me, starting isn't that easy until you make your first payout, that you can rejoice because of all the time and effort you've given into this has already paid.
If you also have a related blog with mine, I invite you to have exchange links with me. I would love to exchange links not only for traffic of course but also for the knowledge that we can share and teach our readers about this business.
I would also mention some websites in which I think will also be helpful in doing business online for all of us who wants to become financially free in some three to five years from now...