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Thursday, March 4, 2010


Online Selling will not really become your first choice of doing when you are just new in this internet business. Of course you would go first on different passive income streams like creating a blog and putting Adsense into it or entering into a referral program and invite all your friends and families to join. Doing anything online but just not online selling.

I also didn't thought that I'd be doing this online selling thing. Just the word "selling" makes me wanna run and hide inside my closet.

Why am I thinking like that? Because when we heard of the word "selling" we think of talking to people, trying to convince them to buy, crying to convince them to buy, and dying to convince them to buy. That hard huh! Plus the cost of travelling to reach your market and the advertisements you need to splurge in just to promote your product.

That is the scenario of actual selling. But online selling is different. You dont need to talk to a lot of people face to face just to sell your product.

In doing online selling, you only need three things and i say you are already familiar with them all...

1. An Internet Connection
2. A PayPal Account
3. Your Product to sell

Yes, the first two are the basics which I already discussed in my previous post.

So what could be your products to sell? you can sell anything online. Physical products such as cellphones, clothes, books, (these are also the products that is sold on actual selling) Digital products such as Ebooks and softwares, and also your services like if you know how to design a website, you can offer it to those bloggers or website owners who doesn't know how to customize the designs of their site.

Online Selling Business is one of the best income streams on earning online if you will just focus on it, study how to do it and master it.

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